Tomorrow I start my class for perfect health. I am Studying at the Chopra Center to become a Perfect Health teacher for Deepak Chopra. My first class is Panchakarma. What is Panchakarma? Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. It promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation. It is recommended on a seasonal basis, as well as when an individual feels out of balance or is experiencing illness
Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind
Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness
Strengthen your immune system and
become more resistant to illness
Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process
Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity
Bring about deep relaxation and sense of well-being
My ten day retreat will consist of
Step One: Preparatory Procedures
Panchakarma begins with oleation – applying and ingesting pure essential oils in order to loosen and mobilize accumulated toxins or
ama. This step includes supplementation with organic seeds, as well as deep, soothing daily ayurvedic massage treatments using herbalized oils.
A vital aspect of this step is Swedana, a Sankskrit word meaning “that which produces heat in the system.” Specific steam and warm oil therapies are used to heat the body. This process helps open the body’s circulation channels (srotas) and allows toxins to flow more easily from the tissues to the GI tract for elimination. Swedana also relaxes the body, releasing tension and allowing impurities to be eliminated through the sweat glands.
Step Two: Elimination and Release
Once the body’s toxins have been mobilized, gentle therapies are used to release them from the body. The treatment includes a sequence of daily bastis – a therapeutic process in which medicated oils and herbal preparations are used to flush toxins from the intestinal tract. Bastis are often referred to as enemas but actually offer many more healing benefits than a simple colon cleanse. During a basti, the herbalized oils enter the deeper tissues and eliminate fat-soluble toxins that can’t be dislodged with standard enemas.
This stage of panchakarma also includes nasya, an ayurvedic treatment that gently cleanses the upper respiratory tract and sinuses. This soothing process uses pure herbalized oils to improve the flow of life energy and help you breathe freely and easily.

Step Three: Rejuvenation
The final step of panchakarma is rasayana,a term that means “that which is nourishing.” Once the toxins have been released, this is a critical time to begin replenishing the body with natural foods and herbs, revitalizing massage treatments, and healing practices such as meditation and yoga.
Abhyanga is an individually prepared herbal-oil massage designed to deeply penetrate the skin, relax the mind-body, break up impurities, and stimulate both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It enhances the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste. The desired result is a heightened state of awareness that will direct the internal healing system of the body.
Shirodhara is administered by gently and methodically pouring warm herbalized oil over the forehead, synchronizing brain waves and profoundly coordinating and calming the mind, body, and spirit.
Garshana treatments consist of a dry lymphatic skin brushing with either wool or a silk glove. This enhances circulation and cleans the skin so that subsequent oil and herbal treatments can penetrate deeply into freshly cleansed pores of the skin.
Swedana is an individually herbalized steam bath, during which the head and the heart are kept cool while the body is heated to remove mental, emotional and physical toxins lodged deeply within the tissues. The cool head and heart provide a sense of calm and openness while the therapeutic steam over the entire body can penetrate and cleanse deeply, without the body becoming overheated and stressed.
Pizichili is a continuous stream of warm herbalized oil soothingly poured over the body by two Ayurvedic therapists as they massage the body in perfect unison. The warmth of the oil and synchronicity of the massage combine for a deep tissue cleansing while supporting a heightened state of awareness that transcends description.
Udvartana is a deeply penetrating herbal paste lymphatic massage. This powerful exfoliating treatment magically Restore Your Natural Radiance conditions the skin while pressing stagnant lymphatic toxins out of the body.
Five Senses Therapy treatment combines the therapeutic effect of all five senses working in concert. Sound therapies are specific Vedic hymns and mantras recommended for each imbalance. Touch therapy enlivens specific vital points on the body called marma points. Taste therapy uses certain herbal medicines. Sight uses Ayurvedic color therapy, and smell is accessed with combinations of rare aromatics. The effect is a harmonizing of all the senses to bring one’s awareness to the source of thought and feeling within the heart.
Basti is an herbal enema specially prepared to pull toxins out of the colon. This is the final stage of each daily Panchakarma treatment. The freshly loosened impurities from each day of treatment are flushed out of the body via the effects of the basti. The basti also transports Ayurvedic medicines into the blood and tissues in order to trans-form the memory of damaged and toxic cells. It is considered one of the most important and most powerful aspects of the Panchakarma treatment.
Nasya consists of individually prescribed herbs and oil drops, inhaled through the nose, which clear the sinuses of excessive mucus. It is also an important therapy when medicating the central nervous system. This treatment combats the deep dryness that exists at the root of many respiratory and allergic conditions.
Shiro-Abhyanga-Nasya is a luxurious combination of a deep head/neck/shoulder massage and facial lymphatic massage, followed by deep inhalation of therapeutic aromatic steam, and a nasal and sinus nasya with herbalized nose drops. This popular treatment is an invaluable tool balancing most head, neck and respiratory disorders.
Pinda Swedana is a deep cleansing treatment where rice boiled in milk and herbs is massaged deeply into the tissues and joints. The treatment is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating as well as powerfully detoxifying.
By the end of my detoxification I will feel renewed and ready to tackle the new year. I will share my experience with you as I journey towards Perfect Health.
Chopra Center
Ayurvedic healing