Enhance digestion with herbs and spices
Eat a few pieces of freshly sliced ginger sprinkled with lemon juice 15 min. before meals.
Alleviate excess stomach acidity with
Cook with cooling herbs such as cumin, coriander, fennel, and cilantro. Drink 2 Tablespoons of aloe vera juice or a cup of licorice tea ½ hours after meals
Cook with cooling herbs such as cumin, coriander, fennel, and cilantro. Drink 2 Tablespoons of aloe vera juice or a cup of licorice tea ½ hours after meals
Decrease gas and bloating
Cook with aromatic herbs like cinnamon, cardamom and bay also chew roasted fennel seeds after each meal
Cook with aromatic herbs like cinnamon, cardamom and bay also chew roasted fennel seeds after each meal