Nutrition Warriors Mission
Promoting a culture that supports their own local agriculture, that in return nourishes a healthy community.
Welcome to Nutrition Warriors
Sometimes nutrition information can leave you confused. Nutrition Warriors makes nutrition easy for everyone to understand and will help you find everyday foods that will help you feel better. Most social events are centered around food and many of us stress over what should we eat or serve. Cooking should be fun and nutritious. I would [...]
National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s rob people of their memory. It is a slow and heart wrenching disease to watch happen to someone you love. There is no cure. Over 5 million people in the United States have the disease. And anyone who knows a friend or family member who has suffered from Alzheimer’s will tell you that day-to-day living becomes a real struggle for both patients and caregivers. Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging.
I have had a few close members of my family die from the disease and it scary to know that there is no cure.
I have had a few close members of my family die from the disease and it scary to know that there is no cure.
Great Foods To Eat For Alzheimer’s Disease
- 1Include dark-colored fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E in your diet. Vitamin E protects the nerve cells . Wheat germ has the highest form of vitamin E and is the most concentrated.
- 2Eat oily fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna, which are rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin B12. These nutrients are especially helpful in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
- 3Increase folic acid levels and vitamins B6 and B12 to improve mental function. Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, lentils, avocados, bananas, oranges and asparagus. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. Some doctors recommend dosages of 400 micrograms per day to fight dementia.
- 4Take ginkgo biloba to promote healthy blood circulation. It can be taken in supplement form or found in green teas.
- 5Add herbs like ginseng to improve brain function and antioxidant-rich herbs like rosemary, oregano, caraway, dill and fennel.
- 6Use antioxidant spices such as curcumin, which is found in turmeric.
- 7Ask your doctor about taking supplements like huperzine and galantamine, which can improve memory by slowing the breakdown of acetylcholine.8Cilantro naturally “chelates” heavy metals. This means it gets rid of the mercury and aluminum ( heavy metals)9Zinc is very important for mental capacity. People that had 27 mg a day had great improvements. Eat a few oyster a day, each one has 15 mg of zinc
Keep Active to Treat Alzheimer’s
- 1Exercise outdoors by walking, swimming, water aerobics, gardening, yoga or meditation,and Qigong .
- 2Treat Alzheimer’s disease with massage and aromatherapy using lavender and lemon balm to reduce anxiety.
- 3Keep mentally active with jigsaw and crossword puzzles, reading, word games and computer games.
- 4Try acupuncture to unblock energy pathways and relieve stiffness and muscle pain.
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Tips & Warnings
- Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
- Treat Alzheimer’s disease naturally with the tropical fruit mangosteen and antioxidant, omega-rich berries like acai and gogi.
- Discuss diet and exercise plans with your doctor.
- Know that vitamins can be toxic in high doses and supplements, such as huperzine and galantamine, can interfere with drug effectiveness.
In Loving Memory of Julie McCann, my Grandmother.
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World healthiest Foods
Conquering any disease
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