Buy local and fresh produce
Reduce your carbon print and buy local produce
An important part of buying local is making an effort to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables when they are in season in your area. It is great that we are able to buy foods grown virtually anywhere in the world all year round, but it does not promote local farmers and give you the best food available.
By purchasing local foods in-season, you eliminate the environmental damage caused by shipping foods thousands of miles, your food dollar goes directly to the farmer, and your family will be able to enjoy the health benefits of eating fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Buying seasonal produce also provides an exciting opportunity to try new foods and to experiment with seasonal recipes. And it simply tastes better!
Even if you don’t want to change any of your eating habits, you can at least make sure to buy local produce when it’s available, rather than purchase the same type of food from 3000 miles away!
For an added challenge, try to eat most foods only when they are in season.

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