
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sprouts, The Super Food

Sprouts, The Super Food

Sprouts are considered as wonder foods. They rank as the freshest and most nutritious of all vegetables available to the human diet.  Sprouts are among the few foods that are consumed that are still alive when eaten raw. Sprouted food are higher digestibility and nutritional qualities when compared to its  non-sprouted  version.  The carbohydrates are broken down during sprouting . The protein is the most easily digestible of all proteins available in foods. During sprouting, the beans lose their gas producing quality. Sprouts contain a significant amount of fiber and water and, therefore, are helpful in overcoming constipation.
Sprouts are loaded with antioxidants,  protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Broccoli sprouts have been found to contain 50 times as much of the antioxidant sulfurophane as mature broccoli. Sulforaphane is reported to reduce oxidative stress, fight stomach infection, cancer, and helps liver function.
Sprouted foods have been part of our ancestors’ diets  for thousands of years. The Chinese are known  for mung bean sprouts in their dishes. Sprouts provide all the essential vitamins and minerals, they are a complete food. Sprouts should form a vital component of a healthy diet, since they are  a great energy source and  requiring no help from your body to process them.
All edible grains, seeds and legumes can be sprouted. Generally the following are used for sprouting :
Grains : Wheat, maize, ragi, bajra and barley.
Seeds : Alfalfa seeds, radish seeds, fenugreek seeds, carrot seeds, coriander seeds,
pumpkin seeds and muskmelon seeds.
Legumes : Mung, Bengal gram, groundnut and peas.
New research indicates that peanut sprouts reduce harmful cholesterol and that sunflower, buckwheat and grain sprouts can help diabetics.
Tomorrow I’ll share a recipe for a great sprout salad

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