
Friday, March 23, 2012

Eating this means exercising for how long?

Eating this means exercising for how long?

Next time you go to grab a quick snack you might want to think about a healthy option like fruit or nuts instead.  Some foods just are not worth the amount of exercise that it takes to burn it off.  You don’t have to give up your favorite afternoon treat, look for a  low-calorie options like a skinny latte (120 calories) instead for example.
If you eat this food, this is how long it will take  to burn it off for the average person.
Five Guys Fries regular portion
9 oz. 620 calories

1 hour 35 minutes at
9 mph bicycling

Margarita in a pint glass
550 calories

Downhill Ski
1 hour and 15 minutes

Small movie popcorn
portion 6 cups    410 calories

Low impact aerobics  for
1 hour 15 minutes

Starbucks Latte with whipped cream
venti 20 oz  410 calories

Jogging 50 minutes

Panera Chocolate Chipper Cookie
1 cookie 3 oz. 440 calories

Brisk walk at 3.5 mph for
1 hour 30 min

Starbucks banana bread
4 oz.  490 calories
Swimming laps for
1 hour 15 minutes

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